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By using a combination of healing & therapy I help people
reclaim their power, build their confidence and boundaries
and set goals for their future.


Have you reached a point in your life where you don't feel you even know who you are any more? 

It can happen, often times when you've been giving your time to other things or people like a relationship, parenting or a career.  You can lose your own identity literally.

Who even are you any more?

What do you actually like?

What do you want?

Where are you headed?

You have turned the page in the book that is your life and there all you see is a blank page.  You then flick through to the end of the book and it's all blank.  There's nothing there.  Where is the rest of the story?  What's next?


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Even though things might feel out of control, they aren't.  Ground yourself, take a few deep breaths and see it as an amazing opportunity to CREATE

How often do we really get the opportunity to write our own story?

For the first couple of decades of our existence, people tend to mostly live their lives on default mode which translates to rules of their parents, the education system, their peers and the cultural norms.

Perhaps as you got older you wanted to be an artist or a musician but were told that you can't make any money in those professions and it's best to get a trade or a more stable job to fall back on.

Maybe you had a great business idea or invention but you were encouraged to be sensible and get

a 9-5 job.

But where in all of that were you ever considered?   When did you actually sit down, take stock and really think about you?  When did you ever make yourself and your needs, wants and dreams a priority?

As a child, can you remember what it was you actually wanted to be when you grew up?

Remember those days.......days where you see limitless opportunities, everything and anything is possible, nothing is going to stop you,

you are invincible.

So what happened? 

How did you go from being invincible to where you are now?

It can be a simple comment here, or a decision made for you there, a criticism, a remark and these add up over time.

Each time a friend took advantage and you didn't say anything. 

When you were with the partner that was a control freak and you weren't allowed to make any decisions in the relationship, you had no voice.

It was the job with the awful boss and because you couldn't afford to quit and leave you had to sit there and take their bad management or bullying.

It was the time you wanted to say no but you couldn't.

It was that time they stepped all over your values or your dreams and laughed in your face and you let them.

It was the bully in the playground

It was the time you put someone else before you because you were afraid to speak up.

It was the time that you went along with it to keep the peace as you knew what would happen if you enforced your boundaries.

It was the time you loved so much you willingly gave your power away.

It was the time you were told you were no good some how and you believed it.

It was each time you gave up on one of your dreams

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Eventually you are depleted, lacking life force, lacking motivation, lacking direction, lacking identity.


So how can you

Reclaim Your Power?


Well the first step you've already taken as you're here reading this. 

You've acknowledged that there's an issue that you'd like help with.

The next steps after that, even though you may feel they'll be daunting, they're actually really enjoyable as you'll start to see some control come back into your life along with glimpses of who you used to be or the person you want to be going forwards.  

As part of the Reclaim Your Power Package we will work to rebuild from the ground up, starting by identifying your core values, reviewing your life and what needs to change to get to where you want to go.

It also includes a session of Hypnotherapy to help rewire any negative thought patterns or behaviours or a particular issue that you have that has been holding you back.

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You are the author of your own do you want the next chapter go?

Get in touch to get started and to find out more.

THERAPIES from £60

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Tantra Energy Healing

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Hypnotherapy / RTT

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Reiki Healing

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Shamanic Healing

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Metaphysical Healing

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Energy Cleansing

- Free consultation -

Get in touch to book

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