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By using a combination of healing & therapy I help survivors of toxic abuse reclaim their identity, power & confidence by providing the tools necessary to rebuild boundaries & move forwards
- a holistic approach to get you back on track

Have you been a victim of toxic abuse patterns in your life? 

It might be that you grew up with a narcissistic parent or sibling, you may have a child that displays these traits & behaviours, or you may have had abusive romantic partners.  


It can be hard to see this kind of relationship when you're in it and it is often only once you have broken free you realise the abuse that's been going on.  There is very likely trauma and heartbreak there that needs to be addressed, processed and healed to enable you to start moving forwards again in your life.

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We all deserve to live the life we want, where we aren't limiting ourselves for fear of being hurt again.  But it's common for people with this kind of trauma to not want to seek help as they don't feel they can confide in anyone about it or they fear not being believed.  

Some victims of toxic abuse find it hard to trust people & their own judgement anymore due to the fact

that the person that was supposed to love them was

the very person carrying out the abusive behaviour towards them

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Codependency and lack of boundaries often go hand in hand

When childhood trauma goes untreated it can send ripple effects into adult life by creating a codependent style of attachment and a lack of boundaries.  These issues often go completely under the radar of the person with them as it's all they've known.

How many of these points resonate?

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Are you a YES person?


Do you find it difficult to say NO to people even when that's what you want to say?


Do you often find yourself doing things for people when really it's the last thing you wanted to be doing?


Are you a people pleaser?


Do you put other peoples needs in front of yours, to your own detriment?


Do you lack boundaries?  The ability to let people know what is ok and what isn't an ok way to treat you?


If you say no to someone who is asking something of you do you feel guilty?


Do find it difficult to leave a relationship that is not healthy for you?


Have you come out of an abusive relationship not knowing who you are anymore, you have lost your own identity?


Are you keeping yourself intentionally single because you don't trust your own judgement in partners anymore?


Has your toxic relationship drained away any self-confidence you used to have?


Do you feel worthless, unlovable, not enough?


Do you have intimacy issues due to trauma?


Do you feel like you will be single for the rest of your life because no-one will ever like you?


Do you put your all into your relationships and get very little back?


Has being unable to say NO to people got you into some very sticky situations in the past?


Do you find it difficult to trust people because of what you've been through?

I can help you put the pieces of your life back together, help to get you well on the road to recovery & to move towards the life you want to create.

Trauma caused by toxic abuse can manifest itself in many ways if it's not processed, released and healed.  It can present itself emotionally, mentally or physically, through illness, disease or unhealthy behaviours, that's why taking the holistic approach to healing really works.

The Toxic Abuse Recovery Package uses a combination of hypnotherapy, healing and support sessions over 30 days to move you towards the outcome you want to achieve.
Be kind to yourself, start loving yourself again and free yourself from the prison you've placed yourself in.

Get in touch to discuss holistic packages and how they can be tailored to your needs and budget.

THERAPIES from £60

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Tantra Energy Healing

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Hypnotherapy / RTT

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Reiki Healing

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Shamanic Healing

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Metaphysical Healing

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Energy Cleansing

- Free consultation -

Get in touch to book

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